AI solution no. 1 - 100% plagiarism-free

Expand your audience with LinkedIn

Get ideas and write viral LinkedIn posts in just a few clicks. Get more reach, engagement and followers in just 15 minutes a day...

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Leverage AI to grow your business on LinkedIn

Never run out of ideas for a LinkedIn post

Stop struggling to come up with new ideas for your LinkedIn posts. Find post ideas specifically on topics that interest your audience.

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Enter the topic and generate ideas for your next article.
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Generate an article with the idea you liked

Write personalized posts that reflect YOU

Gone are the days of staring at a blank screen, not knowing what to share. Our predefined post generation templates are your guide.

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Choose from predefined message templates
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Answer a few questions and generate a personalized message

Make your message visually appealing

Make our AI-generated articles look like they've been written by a person. Choose the format that suits you and generate professional-quality articles effortlessly.

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Say goodbye to long, boring paragraphs
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Easier to read and visually appealing

Grow your audience quickly on LinkedIn. ✨

LinkedIn growth dashboard
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Unique, tailored content

Feather AI Google

No plagiarism

We integrate an anti-plagiarism module to make your content unique.

Feather AI Ads


With our Microsoft partnership, we offer superior creativity and performance.

Feather AI LinkedIn

Unique results

All generated texts are unique and tailored to your profile, your business and your objectives.

How Feather AI helps them grow their audience

What our customers say

At FeatherAI, customer satisfaction is our priority. We listen to what you have to say so that you can be as satisfied as possible.

Feather AI takes full advantage of AI's capabilities, making it accessible thanks to its ease of use and high degree of personalization. I use it mainly for my LinkedIn posts.

Feather AI's impact on my LinkedIn presence is undeniable. With its advanced AI technology, I generate unique content that resonates with my audience, while saving precious time.

Thanks to Feather AI, I now publish on LinkedIn on a regular basis. Its intuitive interface and customization options allow me to express myself better and more easily.

Frequently asked questions :

What is FeatherAI?

FeatherAI is your all-in-one content creation platform, designed to meet all your content needs. Our services range from generating content such as SEO blog posts, social media content and product descriptions, to creating visual content using artificial intelligence. Our content is both conversion- and SEO-optimized, guaranteeing you the best results. But that's not all! We also offer FeatherBot, a personalized chatbot powered by ChatGPT. With FeatherBot, you can ask it anything you want.

Is FeatherAI free ?

FeatherAI offers a free trial of 5 generations per month, which is enough to try out our AI tool. Try FeatherAI's free trial and see for yourself our content creation and AI chatbot capabilities.

What languages are available on FeatherAI?

Today we support these languages:
🇫🇷 French
🇬🇧 English

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

No, if you are on a paid monthly plan, you can cancel at any time. Refund requests for paid annual plans will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and can be requested from our Customer Service department. So there's no need to sign long-term contracts.

Who owns the content generated?

It's all you. You retain ownership of all content generated in your account, including text and images. You may use it for personal or commercial purposes. FeatherAI does not claim ownership of the content in your account.

Is the content generated by FeatherAI free of plagiarism?

FeatherAI's AI is trained on billions of parameters (almost the entire Internet). The AI has learned the nuances of grammar, spelling and style to generate totally original content. So, in 99% of cases, the content generated is totally unique and plagiarism-free.

Is content generated with FeatherAI easily detected by AI content detectors?

FeatherAI uses advanced AI algorithms to generate high-quality content that is often indistinguishable from human-generated content. In most cases, AI content detectors are unable to easily identify machine-generated content. It's also important to note that the effectiveness of AI content detectors can be inconsistent; they are more or less effective and should not be considered a reliable indicator of content quality.

Google Search's instructions regarding AI-generated content state that the origin of the content - whether it's entirely AI-generated, semi-AI-generated or entirely human-created - is not a primary factor in its ranking algorithm. What matters most is the content's ability to respond to the user's intent in a relevant and informative way.

Does FeatherAI offer an AI image generator?

Yes, FeatherAI's image generator lets you magically transform your text into stunning images and works of art. Simply enter a text and watch FeatherAI generate a beautiful work of art from your input. There are no limits to what you can create with FeatherAI, so give it a try!